

Cosmotropics is a previously unreleased album from the german group Supersempfft. The concept was producing an animation movie and an album back in 1982. The movie was not completed at the time, and the music remained unreleased until now. After a succesful crowfunding campaign at Kickstarter, Franz Aumüller & Private Records release the original soundtrack transfered from the original tapes. Probably it's the best album produced by the band, a fabulous journey in a fantastic world, full of melodies, pads, breaks, rhythms & dreamy synths.
This limited BLACK vinyl pressing sounds prefect, with no flaws, pop or clicks. These copies including a large foldout poster and download code.
Includes The digital album version (obtained with a download code ) includes a bonus track of cosmotropics, not pressed in the vinyl.

Titel: Cosmotropics (Soundtrack)
Label: Private Records
Stil: Soundtracks
Best-Nr.: 369.062
Typ: LP
Preis: 32.- CHF

SUPERSEMPFFT - Cosmotropics (Soundtrack)

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Cosmotropic Intro 1:06
Cosmotropics 6:02
Beach Sit-In 8:17
Tropical Trip 6:21
Intro 00:54
Cosmotropic Trip 22:02
Outro 01:04

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oder meinen Lieben gleich jetzt schon zeigen... :)

Übrigens, das kaufen andere Klang und Kleid Kunden ein, die auch
SUPERSEMPFFT gekauft haben :)

Records - LP - Swiss 2000 - Up to now
Preis: 32 CHF

Schallplatten - Vinyl an der Kugelgasse Mal in der Nähe von St.Gallen... und Du kennst unsere Plattenabteilung noch nicht? Dann nichts wie los! In unserem neuen Laden an der Kugelgasse 5 und Brühlgasse 18 haben wir für Dich einige tausend Scheiben zum Anfassen und Reinhören! :)

CHF 0.00